How to Remove Nasal Congestion from Newborns: Useful Tips for Cleaning

If you have a newborn, you’ll know that keeping their nose clean is one of the essential tasks in your daily baby care routine. A newborn’s nose is very delicate and can easily get blocked due to mucus or nasal boogers. Besides being uncomfortable for the baby, these boogers can also lead to breathing problems […]

How many hours of sleep do newborns need? Recommended hours

We all know that children, especially the younger ones, should go to bed early for their well-being and development. However, we often don’t know exactly how much sleep children need and what time they should sleep. As they get a bit older, this issue can become the center of lengthy discussions and negotiations between parents […]

Gum massage: A soothing touch for growing teeth.

The teething phase can be a stressful time for both children and their parents. Growing teeth can cause discomfort and gum pain, often leading to crying fits and nervousness. Fortunately, there’s a helpful companion to navigate this delicate period: the gum massager. In this article, we will explore what gum massagers are, how they work, […]